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School & community experiences

Professional Development

Leadership development requires a holistic approach. Strive's Professional Development provides your staff with the tools they need to infuse leadership and social emotional skills into their everyday practice.


Strive’s Professional Development engages your staff in discovering why social-emotional learning is key to leadership. Our hands-on activities make these sessions stand out from any other professional development you may have experienced. Sign up today and give your staff the tools they need to unlock the character-driven leader in themselves and their students.

Ready for Professional Development?

What's Included?

Discover what makes Strive's Professional Development unique.

Strive’s Professional Development goes beyond the typical lecture and discussion format. We take our participants through the process of character-driven leadership through movement-based, high-energy games and activities. We provide your staff with hands-on experience and learning to connect authentically to the curriculum. Through our Professional Development, your staff will unpack exactly what it means to be a character-driven leader.

Professional Development can be delivered through: multi-day sessions, full-day retreat, or adapted to meet your schedule.

Interested in learning more? Please email us and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Utilizes movement-based, high-energy games and activities.

Connect to the curriculum with hands-on experience.

Delivered through multi-day sessions, full-day retreats, or a customizable schedule.

What's Included?

Discover what makes Strive's Professional Development unique.

Strive’s Professional Development goes beyond the typical lecture and discussion format. We take our participants through the process of character-driven leadership through movement-based, high-energy games and activities. We provide your staff with hands-on experience and learning to connect authentically to the curriculum. Through our Professional Development, your staff will unpack exactly what it means to be a character-driven leader.

Professional Development can be delivered through: multi-day sessions, full-day retreat, or adapted to meet your schedule.

Interested in learning more? Please email us and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Utilizes movement-based, high-energy games and activities.

Connect to the curriculum with hands-on experience.

Delivered through multi-day sessions, full-day retreats, or a customizable schedule.

Sample Lesson Plan

Strive’s Professional Development prepares your staff to deliver Strive’s curriculum in their spaces. Our sessions prioritize the development of your students and staff by fulling engaging all participants in the activities. We take time to discuss the intentionality behind each moment and break down facilitator techniques to boost participation.

Interested in learning more? Check out this sample content from our Middle School Professional Development!

Strive Instructors Laughing

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